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Hillman and Alpena Students Tour H.B. Carbide in Lewiston

On December 6, ten Hillman High School students toured H.B. Carbide in Lewiston. Eight Alpena High School students toured on December 17. The tours began discussing the background of the company, what they make, and the careers available. Students were able to see the beginning product, the production, and the end product. The tour guides explained the cost of the products at different steps in the process and showed students the differences in the beginning versus finished product and how much shrinkage there is. Also covered was the cost of things like running the equipment, hitting daily goals for production, the amount of product produced yearly, and the various industries that their products are used in, including energy, defense, aerospace and more. The guides discussed their various career paths and how they got into the field, as well as what education is required for positions from production to engineers. Students surveyed said the entire process was very interesting and they were presented with branded t-shirts and goodies at the end of the tour.



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