There are a variety of online tools and resources available to you for a successful job search. Feel free to utilize the information below to jump start your path to employment.
Michigan Rehabilitation Services - (MRS) provides career, education and workforce programs for people with disabilities. Licensed DHS rehabilitation counselors work in conjunction with Michigan Works! Staff and programs while offering additional guidance, assistance and supportive services based on client need. Rehabilitation counselors offer expert assistance in dealing with training, job search and job retention issues ranging from substance abuse to physical challenges. MRS works with eligible customers and employers to achieve quality employment outcomes and independence for individuals with disabilities. MRS works in partnership with individuals with disabilities to prepare for and obtain competitive employment, including exploring the possibilities of self-employment or owning a small business. MRS also assists employers find and retain qualified workers with disabilities. MRS helps employers save time and money, and maintain a motivated, reliable and dependable workforce.
Careeronestop.org - Providing tools for job seekers, laid-off workers, students, businesses and career professionals.
Salaryexpert.com - SalaryExpert® was launched in 2000 to provide reporting on salaries and cost of living from compensation professionals. Our tools help people make informed decisions when planning careers and searching for jobs.
Benefits.gov - Benefits.gov was launched in an effort to provide citizens with easy, online access to government benefit and assistance programs.
O*netonline.org - O*NET OnLine has detailed descriptions of the world of work for use by job seekers, workforce development and HR professionals, students, researchers, and more!
Project Working Mom - Between your kids’ needs and your work headaches, the last thing you need is another time commitment, right? Wrong! Education is the first thing you need. A college degree is the clearest route to self-fulfillment and financial security. Learn how online education can fit in to your busy schedule, and see how other working moms have achieved their educational goals.
Helping Hand - This site helps Michigan citizens facing economic hardship find the services they need. Simply click on one of the five tabs below for links to information about jobs and training, unemployment benefits, health care, family support and housing. Then click on the particular link that describes the help you're seeking.
Discover Your Skills - No matter whether you're entering the job market for the first time or changing careers after 20 years, and no matter whether you’re interested in a specific industry or just trying to learn about different options, there is good news: Right now, there are hundreds of thousands of jobs just waiting to be filled by people with the right skills. To be considered, you’ll need to learn these skills and earn the credentials employers are looking for. Which is exactly what Discover Your Skills is all about. From general questions about choosing a career to education and training options to inspirational videos and information about specific industries, this site can put you on the path to a well-paying, much-needed job. The kind of job we all depend on to maintain our way of life. Your future starts now. Good luck.
Job Accommodation Network - The Job Accommodation Network (JAN) is the leading source of free, expert, and confidential guidance on workplace accommodations and disability employment issues. Working toward practical solutions that benefit both employer and employee, JAN helps people with disabilities enhance their employability, and shows employers how to capitalize on the value and talent that people with disabilities add to the workplace.
Green Careers - The eco-friendly business sectors pave the way for promoting a green environment while encouraging job creation and economic growth. While green job growth has experienced periodic dips and setbacks, its overall trajectory is distinctly positive. This positive growth has resulted in exploding interest in college degrees and professional green careers in sustainable energy, agriculture, health, law and practically every other segment of the economy. Explore the nation’s top green careers and the road map to landing one.
Mind Tools - This website is here to help you learn the practical, straightforward skills you need to excel in your career.
Literacy Information – A professional learning platform for adult educators. Tools to help improve the literacy skills of their current and future employees and strengthening adult education services in communities.
Employment laws - Assistance for workers and small business.
Pure Michigan Talent Connect (PMTC) - Search quickly and effectively for qualified employment candidates across the state.
Michigan Labor Market Information - The Labor Market Information division of the MCDA is the official source for Michigan employment, occupation, and industry data through a partnership with U.S. Department of Labor.
Occupational Outlook Handbook - If you are looking to enter the job market, change jobs, or find career information, the Handbook can help. You can learn about the work, education and training requirements, advancement opportunities, employment, salary, and 10-year job outlook for hundreds of occupations. The Handbook also lists related occupations and sources of more information.
Career Information for Students - Search over 60 occupations by what interests you. Find out what people in an occupation do, how they get ready for it, salary information, and job outlook.
Career Outlook - The articles cover a wide range of topics on jobs and careers—from the job outlook to finding an internship.
Occupations by Education Level and Projected Growth - You can search for more than 800 occupations by their name, employment size, projected employment growth, wages, typical entry-level education, and training needed.
Occupational Employment and Wages by Area - Occupational employment and wages by area can help you find out where an occupation is common and how much you might expect to get paid for that occupation in different areas. These data are available for the nation, states, and metropolitan areas.
Benefits - U.S. BLS has data that can help you compare not just what jobs pay but the paid time off, health insurance, retirement benefits, and other benefits employers provide. These data are available for broad occupational groups and for the nine regions of the United States.
Workplace Safety - Information about work-related injuries, illnesses, and deaths in different jobs can help you choose a career path.
CareerOneStop - This is the career, training, and job search website of the U.S. Department of Labor. The website serves jobseekers, students, businesses, and career advisors with free online tools and other information and resources.
USAJobs - This site has job listings to help you launch a career in public service. It lists local, regional, and national information for all federal jobs. You can search by agency, job title, salary, location, or career field.