As an integral part of our future talent pipeline, we need to prepare our youth to be the quality workforce of tomorrow. Our region's economic health and our businesses rely on it.
Michigan Works! and its partners provide year-round programs that combine employment and training activities with opportunities for youth to learn how to maintain positive relationships, find opportunities to give back to their community, and develop leadership qualities that will help them succeed no matter what career path they choose.
Our programs connect students, parents, and educators with information on high-demand careers and training programs with a focus on building awareness of short-term credentials, associate’s degrees, and apprenticeships where there is documented employer demand.
WIOA Youth Programs offer individualized plans of service for economically disadvantaged youth ages 16-24 who need help gaining employment or completing/continuing education.
Our Youth Career Advisors work one-on-one with you to assess your skills and needs, and determine how best to help overcome your barriers. We can help you complete/continue your education, obtain and maintain employment, or get prepared for the workforce. Eligibility determined based on a review of barriers, such as literacy deficiency, school dropout, homeless, pregnant/parenting, offender, etc.

Paid & Unpaid Work Experience
Leadership Development
Adult Mentoring
GED Preparation & Completion
High School Completion Support
Career Exploration & Guidance
Interviewing Coaching
Resume Assistance
Job Search Guidance
Career Training Opportunities
Skills Training for Employment
Scholarship/financial aid application assistance

The statewide JMG program helps Michigan's young people who are at risk of dropping out of high school, or who have already dropped out, graduate and make successful transitions to post-secondary education or meaningful employment.
Students enrolled in the program are youth who have barriers to success, including deficiencies in basic skills, transportation, income and economic status. Many are from families with low educational attainment levels.
Jobs for Michigan's Graduates teaches leadership, financial literacy, problem solving, career development and interpersonal skills in a fun, interactive learning environment. Students earn credits toward graduation and possibly early college credit. JMG is designed to enhance, not replace, the standard school curriculum.
Pathfinder Career Exploration - research in-demand careers, the skills required and calculate your return on investment
Career Explorer - When you access the Career Explorer tool through Pure Michigan Talent Connect you will be provided with local labor market and training information to help you identify training and employment recommendations.
MAT2 - With the MAT2 (Michigan Advanced Technician Training) Apprenticeship Program, you earn while you learn. The program provides a living-wage, a debt-free associate degree, and an industry-aligned education.
Job Corps - At Job Corps, students have access to room and board while they learn skills in specific training areas for up to three years. In addition to helping students complete their education, obtain career technical skills and gain employment, Job Corps also provides transitional support services, such as help finding employment, housing, child care, and transportation. Job Corps graduates either enter the workforce or an apprenticeship, go on to higher education, or join the military.
Jobs for America's Graduates and Jobs for Michigan's Graduates - Jobs for Michigan’s Graduates (JMG) helps young people find their path to education and employment success. Jobs for Michigan’s Graduates is the Michigan affiliate of the national Jobs for America’s Graduates network, one of the largest and most successful student-centered programs that help young people achieve their fullest potential.
Skill Assessment - identity your skills and learn how they can be applied to a job
Homework Help - useful links for students and parents
KHAN Academy - start learning about anything, online, for free; "work on skills you choose at your own pace"
MeL - Search for books, articles and more on Michigan's eLibrary
Michigan Education Portal - provides courses that lead to college credit. Information regarding finishing high school and/or earning your GED
GED - Learn all about the GED in Michigan
FAFSA - Free Application for Federal Student Aid
Federal Student Aid - Steps to follow to help with expenses for higher education
MCAN - Michigan College Access Network - focused effort on increasing college readiness, participation, and completion in Michigan