Morgan was referred to Michigan Works via his father who had heard that Michigan Works! might be able to assist Morgan with going back to school to complete his high school diploma. Morgan was a high school dropout and only wanted to work, with no real desire to finish high school and get his diploma. Michigan Works! Youth Career Advisor Jeanie Flory reached out to Morgan and set up a few appointments to go over what Michigan Works and the WIOA Youth program could offer.
One of Morgan's barriers was that he no longer lived at home and needed assistance with paying rent. His Career Advisor was able to assist with one month's rent so that Morgan could focus on his studies for school and would not have to work every day. In addition, his Advisor was able to assist with auto repairs to help get him back and forth to school. Another barrier that Morgan had was that he needed a computer to help him finish his studies and his Advisor was able to loan him a computer so he could work on his school work while continuing to work his job.
Thanks to the assistance from Michigan Works! and the WIOA Out-of-School Youth program, Morgan was able to complete high school, graduate with his class, and to this day he continues to work 40+ hours a week at $16 an hour.
Morgan learned that by completing high school, he will be able to get farther ahead in life. His father, very thankful for the program, reached out and thanked Jeanie for “riding” Morgan all the time to stay on his studies, because if she hadn’t he wouldn’t have graduated.