A "Rock Star" is a NEMC employee who:
- is a key asset to the team
- would be a struggle to replace
- selflessly goes the extra mile
- consistently represents the agency in an exceptional manner
- exemplifies the heart & soul of our organization
Edie Kerr - Fiscal Assistant (& unofficial HR Liaison)
"Edie has always been my go to person whether personal or work related. It's going to be a huge loss for our agency when she retires. She always goes above and beyond to help everyone. She takes a lot of hits and keeps on going. "
"The Covid Era has been rough on everyone but Edie's additional duties have far surpassed everyone's and she has handled it selflessly. She is the best."
"I am fairly a new employee to NEMC. However, since I have been employed, Edith has been extremely helpful. Any questions I have concerning H/R information, she is on top of it. I know that when I in need of answers because I am stuck and have none to little understanding on forms, Edith is just an email or text message away, ready and willing to help! She is a Rockstar in my book!! Thank you Edie Kerr!"
"Why should Edie be the NEMC Rock Star? Because of 2020 AND 2021. All of it. Throughout the entire pandemic she has gone above and beyond. Being transparent about what the company is doing and why, providing information regarding changes and health safety and more, putting out fires (so, so, so many fires), juggling new program funding and many staff turnovers, and making MWNEMC a MORE THAN ACCOMMODATING place to work during all this turmoil. The last 2 years at NEMC would not have been the same if not for Edie's patience, guidance, support, and humor. She's definitely a Rock Star, even though she likes the Packers."
"always jumps in to help, everything Covid, evolved into a HR manager along with all her other duties, the go to person for everyone in the company, and on and on and on"
"During the most difficult now nearly two years in most of our lives, Edie has worked tirelessly to ensure staff were kept safe from COVID to the maximum extent possible. Not only safe but employed. Decisions weren't easy, but when the organization made a quick transition to work from home, Edie helped ensure every employee had everything they needed to work from home, including support. As we continue to work our way through the COVID-19 pandemic many tough decisions still need to be made daily; masks or no masks, vaccination requirements, monitoring staff who are sick, making sure those with symptoms have a negative test result, the list continues - and Edie assists with it all in stride. Edie may not want to accept this award, but I truly believe she deserves it - countless hours on the phone and in meetings to work towards keeping Michigan Works! Northeast Consortium open for business throughout the entire pandemic, while making sure staff were taken care of."
"She does it all! She is the jack of all trades and master of most. She IS HR, knows all programs inside and out, all things fiscal, helps with contracts, fiscal/program monitors, landlords and building issues, partners, the IFAs, MOUs, time sheets, procurement, and the awful COVID pandemic over the last 18 months. She is our party planner and often our biggest cheerleader. She takes the time to listen, even when she can't afford to. Rock on, Edie!"
"Edie has always been a "rock" for the employees of NEMC - new and old!!"
"Edie is the go to person. She is always there when you need her. Her work is in the backgrounds so are often overlooked. While no single item may stand out as she keeps these details confidential, she is involved in helping us through personal issues to work issues."