February 15 — Jennifer Coughlin, Apprenticeship Specialist from Michigan Works! Northeast Consortium presented Apprenticeships 101 to 46 Alpena High students. Jennifer discussed what an Apprenticeship is, what kind of occupations and fields you can find Apprenticeships in, fun facts of Apprenticeships, and played a couple of short videos on Apprenticeships. She also went over Youth Services that are available with Michigan Works!
John and Mike from Sheet Metal Workers talked with the students about what they do as a sheet metal worker, the different styles of positions within Sheet Metal workers, and how welding is a just a part of what they do. Students had questions like “can I do an Apprenticeship after I serve in the military?” Mike, a veteran himself, was happy to answer this question. Students also had a chance to use the virtual welder after the presentation with Mike, while John was answering more questions that students had. Students could also try the “wheel of fun” with Jennifer. Brochures on Apprenticeships, youth services, Sheet Metal Workers and other items were available for students to take for more information.
The students really enjoyed the presentation and were very engaged in the discussions. John and Mike reported that this was one of their best group of students they’ve presented to yet, with tons of great questions and interaction in the conversation.