Michael was interested in pursuing an electrical apprenticeship so he filled out an apprenticeship inquiry via the Michigan Works! Northeast Consortium website. Apprenticeship Specialist Jeremiah Johnston followed up with Michael, offering coaching and introducing Michael to additional Michigan Works! resources. Michael enrolled at Kirtland Community College to further his career goals and went to the Grayling Michigan Works! office to work on his job preparedness.
Michael began working closely with Michigan Works! Career Navigator Christina Southwell and Business Solutions Professional Kip Sircely. They helped him work on his resume and conducted a mock interview to sharpen Michael’s interviewing skills and prepare him for any questions he may not be familiar with. In the course of those conversations, Christina learned that Michael was enrolled at Kirtland Community College. She discussed potential tuition assistance via WIOA Adult funding and helped Michael begin the application paperwork.
As Michigan Works! staff assisted Michael with job readiness, Apprenticeship Specialist Jeremiah successfully registered P & C Prime with the USDOL for a Registered Apprenticeship Program for the Substation Electrician occupation. Jeremiah discussed Michael with P & C and sent them his newly crafted resume. Michael underwent two interviews and was subsequently offered a job. He is now a Registered Apprentice with P & C Prime, while also finishing his last two semesters at Kirtland. He continues to collaborate with Michigan Works! for potential tuition support.