When William started with Michigan Works! Youth Program he had a variety of challenges. He was a high school drop-out lacking any secondary credentials, he was unemployed, and he didn’t have a driver’s license. To compound matters, he lacked the funds to address these challenges.
With the support from his Michigan Works! Northeast Consortium Youth Career Advisor, Allison Oakes, William enrolled in on-line programming to complete his GED. Michigan Works! was also able to purchase William’s practice GED tests and then the actual GED test once he was ready. He received his GED in January 2023.
In addition, Michigan Works! offered support to help William attend driver’s training. He now has a temporary license, which has greatly increased his ability to search for and secure a job in food service. Michigan Works! was also able to help William acquire the proper footwear needed for his new job, since he’d be working primarily on his feet all day.
William is very appreciative of the support he received and pleased that he was able to accomplish so much in a relatively short amount of time. Thanks to the support he received from Michigan Works! and Allison, he was able to further his educational and employment goals, completing his GED, securing employment, and completing his driver’s education.