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Michigan Works! Helps Struggling Single Mom Get Back to Work

When Kathy came into the Michigan Works AEP program, she was homeless and jobless. A single mother of two, now homeless due to domestic violence, she was really struggling and in need of assistance.

Michigan Works Career Advisor Jackie Gransden guided Kathy through the AEP program and Career Navigator Chris Southwell provided job readiness assistance, including resume guidance and job search help. Straightaway Kathy got to work on completing and turning in her assignments, as well as job searching.

Kathy quickly began receiving job offers and initially started at Family Fare making $10.75/hour, but soon after found a position with Grayling Nursing & Rehab making 30% more.

Kathy says she learned that services and support are out there, as well as plentiful job opportunities. Kathy states, "Michigan Works helped me ready myself for interviews and provided me with the support I needed to get back into the field. Thanks Michigan Works!"


©2022 Michigan Works! Northeast Consortium is an equal opportunity employer/program. A proud partner of the American Job Center Network.
Auxiliary aids & services available upon request. Supported by the State of Michigan. Funded with federal funds. TTY#711
- Administrative Office: 20709 State St., PO Box 711, Onaway, MI 49765  |  989-733-8548  |  File a Complaint - 

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