Skyler came to the Michigan Works! office in Grayling in duress. She and her family of 6 had been struggling to catch up from a string of challenges starting with the onset of Covid. Skyler worked as a Direct Care worker and her hours were cut at the onset of Covid. Her husband works as a contractor so he was also unable to work when everything got shut down in Michigan. But the bills did not stop coming in and they had a baby on the way. While Skyler was expecting, her employer let her go. Fortunately, she was able to go back to work with a different employer after the baby was born.
She and her husband have been working as much as possible to catch up their bills, while still trying to take care of their children. She came to Michigan Works! hoping they could offer any relief or assistance.
Michigan Works! recognized the young, struggling family’s need. With the assistance of the BRES program (Barrier Removal Employment Success), Michigan Works! Career Navigator, Christina, was able to pay Skyler’s electric bill (which was facing shut-off), as well as pay another bill that was due immediately.
Skyler expressed her heartfelt gratitude at making their working family's life a little easier. With the assistance Michigan Works! was able to provide to help her family catch up on utilities, Skyler and her husband are better equipped to get back on their feet.