Jeannie is a Families First Social Worker with Wellspring Lutheran Services and uses her vehicle daily to serve families throughout Northern Michigan. As a single mom with lots of expenses, she was challenged when she recently had to spend $1,100 in vehicle repairs on her car. When she learned more repairs were needed, she wasn’t sure how she would afford them so she came to Michigan Works! for assistance.
Utilizing funds from the BRES program (Barrier Removal Employment Success), Michigan Works! Career Navigator Rachel was able to secure funding to cover the car repairs Jeannie needed to keep her safe, keep her on the road, and keep her employed.
Jeannie reports that Rachel was very helpful with the application process and she was able to get her car fixed quickly and continue working as a social worker and helping the families of Northern Michigan. Thankful for the assistance received she noted that in the future she plans to save more money and budget better for possible emergencies such as this.