October 24, 2023 - In recognition of Manufacturing Month, Cadillac Products Automotive Company held a Talent Tour for 23 Hillman High School students. Also participating in the tour were chaperones and the Michigan Works! Northeast Michigan Consortium Youth Career Advisor.
The tour kicked off with an introduction to what Cadillac Products does, the variety of positions they have, the various technology in use in the building, and more. Andy Stone, Quality Control Director, explained to students that many of the careers at the plant do not require a college degree and pay well, with insurance and other benefits. The students were very interested in seeing all the high-tech machinery and what they are capable of doing. Students also enjoyed guessing where various parts held up by Stone went to when installed in a vehicle.
The tour included watching products being made, watching machines in use, and touring the entire facility. Students also learned that the company produces hardly any waste, since they recycle any plastic pieces that are not up to quality back into material which can be used again. Following the presentation, Michigan Works! staff spoke with students about career pathways, educational requirements, and the online Career Pathfinder exploration tool.