Finding help and employment when needed during a pandemic can be stressful. Jasmine started working with Michigan Works! when she began the PATH program. She had lost her job due to covid and needed help getting back on her feet. She started working with Michigan Works! to find employment and overcome barriers preventing her from successful employment.
Working with her Michigan Works! Career Advisor, Amanda Pauly, Jasmine was able to secure a new job at Meyer Ace Hardware. Amanda was also able to help Jasmine get her car registration and plates up-to-date, so she could drive to/from work legally.
After starting her new job, Jasmine’s car started to have issues and became inoperable, but she still needed reliable transportation to get to/from work. Utilizing BRES Program funding (Barrier Removal Employment Success), Amanda was able to help pay for the necessary car repairs, as well as offer Jasmine bus fare while her car was in the shop.
“I'm a single parent of two children and without this program I don't know how I would of made it to employment,” says Jasmine. “This program helped me in a major time of need and I couldn't be more grateful to have this program available to me. I am now employed and my car is in working order, so I have no problem getting to and from work. With the trials and tribulations of covid, I didn't see a light at the end of the unemployed tunnel. Before covid I had a very solid job. I can't express my gratitude for Amanda Pauly and Michigan Works! for helping me get back on track. I love my new job. Thank you for all your help!”